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- Written by ARS
- Category: Conferinţe
- Hits: 2607
The „Thirty Years of Capitalist Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe: Inequalities and Social Resistance” conference will take place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 5 April 2020.
In 1909 Karl Polanyi defended his PhD in Cluj/Kolozsvár and went on to become one of the century’s canonical thinkers in political economy. The intellectual milieus of the Austro-Hungarian Empire produced the century’s seminal debates in social science in general and political economy in particular, and Polanyi, raised in this milieu, became an iconic figure in the interdisciplinary study of market-society relations. Meanwhile, some of the societies of Polanyi’s formative years experienced the century’s most dramatic upheavals, from revolution to reaction, from capitalism to socialism and back to capitalism. Today, some of these lands are at the heart of emerging nationalist, neoliberal and illiberal hybrid that sprung from the crisis of global capitalism, even as these countries have recorded very high growth rates and increasing global competitiveness.
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- Written by ARS
- Category: Conferinţe
- Hits: 2601
Nordic ESPAnet invites papers that address the diverse processes of change the Nordic welfare states and other European countries face in one or more policy area. Both quantitative and qualitative investigations are welcome. Papers may either focus on developments in a single country or adopt a comparative perspective. Papers addressing the Nordic and other European welfare states from a theoretical and conceptual perspective are also welcome. The workshop theme “Social Citizenship, Solidarity and Sustainability – The changing landscape of welfare in the Nordic countries”. Invitation to doctoral students and early career researchers in the social sciences to submit a paper proposal to the workshop by 18 December 2019.
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- Written by ARS
- Category: Conferinţe
- Hits: 2772
Vă invităm să participați la Conferința Anuală a Cercetării în Sociologie și Asistență Socială, ediția a XVIII-a, organizată de către Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, în perioada 13-14 decembrie 2019. Lucrările pot include următoarele tematici, fără a fi însă limitate numai la acestea:
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- Written by ARS
- Category: Conferinţe
- Hits: 2480
The Environment and Society Section of the Portuguese Association of Sociology, in collaboration with the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, and the PhD program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies, organizes its first International Seminar on Environment and Society, under the motto: Current Challenges and Pathways to Change. At the year Lisbon is the European Green Capital, the seminar welcomes sociologists and other researchers interested in understanding the relations between environment and society.
The seminar aims to: i) stimulate discussion and broaden it to other areas of knowledge beyond sociology; ii) encourage research in Portugal; and iii) promote international and interdisciplinary collaborations. Above all, it is important to reflect on the established relationships between environment and society and their consequences for sustainability.
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- Written by ARS
- Category: Conferinţe
- Hits: 2544
The overarching theme of the 10 th edition of The European Social Work Conference (ESCWR 2020) is Social work research: Contributing to innovation in practice, policy and social development. ECSWR 2020 focuses on how the diversity of social work research methodologies, approaches, traditions and cultures contributes to innovations in social work practice and policy, and to social development more broadly, at local, regional, national, international levels. Researchers, scholars, practitioners and students are invited to submit abstracts for the below proposal types.
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- Written by ARS
- Category: Conferinţe
- Hits: 2609
The 28th NISPAcee Annual Conference will take place in Split, Croatia, May 14 - 16, 2020 is organized by the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPA) and the Faculty of Law. The Main Conference Theme is "Governance and citizens' rights in the era of Europeanization, globalization and digitalization".
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- Written by ARS
- Category: Conferinţe
- Hits: 2972
Universitatea „George Bacovia” din Bacău are deosebita plăcere de a vă invita să ne onorați cu prezența dumneavoastră la Conferinţa naţională cu participare internaţională Devianță și criminalitate. evoluție, tendințe și perspective „DECRET” - Ediția 5/2019 care se va desfășura în data de 14 noiembrie 2019. Conferința este organizată în cadrul Sesiunii anuale de Manifestări științifice a Universității „George Bacovia” din Bacău, care are loc în perioada 12-15 noiembrie 2019.