CfP Nordic ESPAnet Workshop, 2020, Oslo

ESPANET logoNordic ESPAnet invites papers that address the diverse processes of change the Nordic welfare states and other European countries face in one or more policy area. Both quantitative and qualitative investigations are welcome. Papers may either focus on developments in a single country or adopt a comparative perspective. Papers addressing the Nordic and other European welfare states from a theoretical and conceptual perspective are also welcome. The workshop theme “Social Citizenship, Solidarity and Sustainability – The changing landscape of welfare in the Nordic countries”. Invitation to doctoral students and early career researchers in the social sciences to submit a paper proposal to the workshop by 18 December 2019.


The workshop will:                                                                                                                                       

  • provide doctoral students and early career researchers with an opportunity to present their current work and to receive constructive feedback from an international panel of professors and peer-doctoral-students and early career researchers
  • develop a supportive network of PhD and early career researchers with an interest in Nordic welfare research.

Selection of participants

The participants for the workshop will be selected on the basis of the content (how well the theme of their thesis contributes to the theme of the workshop) and the quality of their paper proposal.


Send your abstract of 400-500 words to:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PhD students and early career researchers who are accepted to the workshop will be asked to provide a full paper (5000-8000 words). The paper should be submitted to the organizers and participants two weeks prior to the workshop. The participants are expected to present a full paper. The full paper should be accompanied by information of the research questions, aspects or challenges the participant wish to discuss.

Important dates

Submission deadline for abstracts for the Workshop: 18 December 2019
Notification of acceptance: 18 January 2020
Deadline for the submission of full research proposals or papers: 30 April 2020
Workshop: 14-15 May 2020

Participation information and fee

Fee: 1400 NOK (including 2x lunch, dinner)
Participants book their hotel or other accommodation themselves.
For more information, please contact Dr Lars E. F. Johannessen, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Link to the full Call for Papers:
Nordic ESPAnet website here.