
LOGO AMASESocial exclusion in old age remains a significant health and social problem in Europe. Rising longevity, demographic ageing, accelerated digitalization processes, and active ageing policies are continuously shaping the dynamics of old age social exclusion. New intersectional inequalities emerge as the existing micro-, meso- and macro-social realities come into play. Research into the issue grew significantly over the past years, contributing to a better understanding of old age exclusion through data gathering, novel theoretical approaches, and combining support from various disciplines. Moreover, diminishing social exclusion remains a chief concern of policy, while incorporating ageing issues across policy making from the local to the European level is increasingly promoted. 

Trust Conference BSA 2021 Call for papers 001The regional conference „Trust and Well-Being in the Balkans” is organized by the Bulgarian Sociological Association between 30 September – 01 October 2021, Sofia, Bulgaria, in collaboration with the national sociological associations of Romania, Serbia and Northern Macedonia, and with the support of the International Sociological Association.

The Balkans region presents a complex picture of similarities and differences, intertwining histories and projects for the future, that challenge us to use the resources of comparative data and findings to outline new research approaches and sociological understandings of the region. This is why the main goal of the conference is to provide a forum for comparative analysis, based on the data and findings of the European Social Survey (ESS) across the Balkan countries and beyond. As an academically initiated, cross-national study, which is conducted every two years since 2001, the ESS offers rich and reliable data to fulfil this goal. ESS data show that there is a connection between trust in institutions, the legitimacy of democracy and a personal sense of well-being. It is in this perspective that the analysis of problems with comparative data from the Balkans and other European regions could open possibilities for the development of important theoretical accounts; for better understanding of the processes of democracy building in this region (each country faces specific challenges); for the formulation of more effective public policies. In this sense, the conference aims to hold a high-level academic and research forum, but at the same time to retain the aim of public sociology, i.e. to participate in the formulation of public policies. The issue of the relationship between trust and well-being is interesting not only in the Balkans perspective. Contemporary societies – which we often describe as „individualized”, „fragmented” and „accelerated” appear to be at risk of losing the secret of social bonding. That is why we would like the conference to put in focus not only regional, but also global problems in order to propose theoretical interpretations and new approaches through which social trust and well-being can be examined. Beyond its academic and research goals, the conference will also contribute to strengthening the regional research network that has been collaborating at different intensity over the last decade and expand and orient it towards joint sociological research in order to guarantee its sustainability through collaboration.

acad iasiInstitutul de Cercetări Economice și Sociale „Gh. Zane”, Academia Română Filiala Iași, cu sprijinul Rural Development Research Platform organizează conferința online „Relația producători - consumatori - piețe locale. Abordări interdisciplinare”, în data de 28 octombrie 2020. Aceasta face parte din seria manifestărilor științifice Zilele Academice Ieșene, ediția a XXXV-a. Înscrierile se fac online până pe data de 31 august 2020 utilizând formularul online.

Comitetul de organizare: Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Lucian Tanasă, Codrin Dinu Vasiliu, Sebastian Doboș.

Informații suplimentare: Ioan Sebastian Brumă, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

ESA logo 300x150Regardless of the theoretical meanings attached to the concept of “generation”, there is wide agreement that this is a powerful concept when tackling, measuring and understanding social change. Studying changes in social institutions, social behaviours and social relations across and within generations is one of the main tasks of sociology, especially the sociology of youth.

The abovementioned consensus is not, however, equivalent to homogeneity or even stagnation of approaches. Studying youth requires a constant effort to centre a “fast-moving target”. For this reason, our theories and methods have to change constantly and always be creative.

This RN 30 Mid-Term conference aims at stimulating debate about the theoretical challenges and methodological creativity which studying “moving targets” imposes on youth and generation researchers. It will be an occasion for theoretical and methodological reflections about what to compare, how to measure and interpret social change and inter-generational dynamics in young people’s lives, considering young people not only as exposed to, but also as producers of, social change.

logo apsEquality and difference are dilemmatic dimensions of contemporary times.

The increase of inequalities and their multidimensional and cumulative nature have instigated struggles for redistribution, with varying orientations, tones, and contours, but whose main purpose is the search for (greater) equality. The domination and deprivation associated with inequalities have also constituted an inexhaustible source for sociological knowledge, from its early foundation days as a social science to the latest indictments of critical sociology.

conf rural bonn 2020Conference of the Section "Cultural Analysis of the Rural" of the German Association of Cultural Anthropology and Folklore Studies (dgv), 8-10 October 2020, Department of Archeology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Bonn, Germany.

Organizers: Ove Sutter, Oliver Müller, Sina Wohlgemuth.

Keynote speakers: Prof. Dr. Bettina Bock (Wageningen University), Dr. Keith Halfacree (Swansea University) 

Rural regions in Europe and their everyday worlds are subject to extensive socioeconomic and cultural transformations – contrasting with their representation as decelerated and traditional environments still dominant in popular imagery. Against the backdrop of increasing urbanization, deindustrialization and ecological crises, they face pressures to reinvent themselves. National and supranational institutions accompany and promote this transformation through political-economic measures. Since the 1990s, following the “New Rural Paradigm,” they have been focusing on investments instead of welfare state compensation, on the diversification of rural economies and on the exploitation of unused “endogenous resources” instead of a subsidy-driven development.

GIS logo smallThe Annual Conference on Governance, Intelligence and Security Understanding Border Securitization in Contemporary Societies 28 - 30 May 2020 | Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (Romania).

Border securitization remains a salient issue for many countries in the context of recent domestic and international political developments. Important waves of transnational migration, the management of post-conflict areas, problematic transitions to democracy, the spread of terror attacks, the emergence of unconventional threats have contributed to a broad debate about the direction and intensity of border securitization in contemporary societies. The meaning of border securitization changes over time, its causes are complex, its functions vary across settings and its consequences are often under-explored. 

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