
2024 esa conferenceThe European Sociological Association (ESA) is pleased to announce the CFP opening for the 16th ESA Conference, scheduled to take place in the city of Porto, Portugal, from August 27th to 30th, 2024. The conference, themed "Tension, Trust, and Transformation," promises to be a dynamic and engaging moment for sociologists and scholars from around the world. The 16th ESA Conference will be a place to tackle tensions and trust and to discuss alternatives for social transformation. Sociologists and social scientists are welcome to submit their proposals and to
join this important international scientific event. To ensure your participation, don't miss the abstract submission deadline on January 15th, 2024.

Confirmed Speakers:
Michael Burawoy, University of California Berkeley, USA
Anália Torres, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Nira Yuval-Davis, University of East London, UK
Michael Biggs, University of Oxford, UK
Jana Hainsworth, Eurochild, Belgium
Jason Arday, University of Cambridge, UK & Chantelle Lewis, University of Oxford, UK
And many more speakers to be announced soon.

Super Bock Arena - Rosa Mota Pavilion, Jardins do Palácio de Cristal, Rua de Dom Manuel II, Porto

Abstracts must be submitted through the conference platform at

More details can be found here.

2022 cfp lublinThe Sociology of Work Section of the Polish Sociological Association in cooperation with the Institute of Sociology Maria Curie-Sklodowska University and the Research Committee 44 “Labor Movements” of the International Sociological Association  invite abstracts for the international conference „Social Boundaries of Work. Social Inequalities and New Meanings of Work in the Digital Age”. The conference will take place in Lublin, on 19-20.05.2022.

The sixth edition of the Social Boundaries of Work conference will be focused on the debate on the new meanings of work in a digital environment. The event is a part of an international, scientific discussion about the deepening social inequalities in the world of work and the need to  redefine  work  resulting  from  the  consequences  of  the  COVID-19  pandemic  in  the digitalised reality. Topics to be discussed include:

isqols 2022International Society for Quality-of- Life Studies announce the 20th Annual Conference "Quality-of-Life Resilient Futures: Sustainability, Equity, & Wellbeing", 3-6 August, 2022, Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A.

The ISQOLS 2022 Conference in Burlington, Vermont, USA is the first in-person ISQOLS gathering since the global pandemic began. It provides the opportunity to build connections within our interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary community of scholars and practitioners dedicated to promoting quality-of-life and wellbeing. Hosted on the campus of The University of Vermont, the conference provides a forum for reflecting on our collective learning about quality-of-life throughout the global pandemic while providing evidence about how to cultivate resilience at all scales (individual, community, national, global) with a special focus on sustainability, equity, and wellbeing impacts on quality-of-life. We are pleased to welcome researchers, practitioners, students, professionals, faculty, retirees, experts and novices to Burlington, Vermont, USA in August 2022. Selected special events and lectures during the conference will be recorded.

Trust Conference BSA 2021 Call for papers 001The program of the conference “Trust and Well-Being in the Balkans” (to be held via Zoom between 30th of September and 1st of October) is now available and can be downloaded here.

The conference is organized by the Bulgarian Sociological Association in collaboration with the National Sociological Associations of Romania, Serbia and North Macedonia, and the support of the International Sociological Association.

uvt buildingThe 19th edition of the International Symposium Ideologies, Values, and Political Behavior in Central and Eastern Europe is organized by the Department of Political Science, West University of Timișoara. The Symposium will be held on December 3-5, 2021, at the West University of Timișoara, Romania. It is possible that this year’s edition will take place online. The event aims to bring together researchers interested in Central and Eastern European politics. We welcome paper proposals from scholars on political topics in Central and Eastern Europe as detailed below. The proposal should be no longer than one page and it should include a short Curriculum Vitae. All selected participants will be informed before the 20th of November 2021. 

casa academiei 1010Social inequalities and quality of life is an international conference organized by the Research Institute for Quality of Life at the Romanian Academy and Romanian Sociological Association. The conference will be organized in Bucharest and will take place online between November 15-19, 2021. The conference aims at providing a forum for interdisciplinary dialogue about possible strategies to reduce social polarization and to overcome developmental gaps. We believe that the current economic and sociopolitical climate, resulting from a succession of crises of different nature, represents a major challenge to contemporary societies.

uvt buildingConferința Rolul cercetării și inovării în societatea contemporană, organizată de către Facultatea de Sociologie și Psihologie, Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, are ca principal scop crearea unui cadru în care tinerii cercetători și doctoranzi să prezinte cercetări teoretice și aplicative inovatoare, în domeniul științelor socio-umane. Sunt acceptate lucrări din domeniile psihologie, sociologie, științe ale educației, asistență socială, antropologie, resurse umane sau din domenii conexe, precum și cercetări interdisciplinare. Conferința nu presupune taxe de înscriere, participare sau publicare. Toate lucrările acceptate vor fi evaluate în regim de double peer review în vederea publicării în reviste indexate BDI. Formatul conferinței va fi on-line.

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