Opinia publică despre criminalitate, justiție și poliție Public opinion about criminality, justice and the police Section Studies and Research Papers


Septimiu Chelcea


This study presents some stable attitudes of the public opinion on the criminality field (rates, causes, degree of dangerousness), the legal sanctions (the relationship between the degree of dangerousness and the harshness of verdicts) and police performance (its popular support). The article presents mass media bearing on the construction of public opinion (overrepresentation of criminality, fear induced by victimization etc.) and the peculiarities of the cognitive processes that influence the emergence of opinions (overgeneralization, cognitive accessibility, trust in evaluative judgments). In order to support the theoretical statements about criminality, justice and police, I compared the findings with those of national and international public opinion surveys (Eurobarometrul de Opinie Publicã, 2004, apud New Europe Barometer, 2004).


Author Biography

Septimiu Chelcea, University of Bucharest

Address: 4-12 Regina Elisabeta Blvd., 030018, District 3, Bucharest, Romania.


How to Cite
Chelcea, S. (2005). Opinia publică despre criminalitate, justiție și poliție: Public opinion about criminality, justice and the police. Sociologie Românească, 3(2), 59-77. Retrieved from https://arsociologie.ro/revistasociologieromaneasca/sr/article/view/841