Alcoolism și suport social perceput. Studiu în România Alcoholism and Perceived Social Support. Study in Romania Section Studies


Iános-Mátyás-Tamás Mihók-Géczi


This article focuses on the correlation between the perceived social support and alcohol abstinence. The sample is comprised of 273 Romanian alcoholic males, divided into three categories, reflecting their degree of abstinence (abstainers without relapse, abstainers with at least one episode of relapse and past abstainers, currently relapsed) and the instrument used was the multidimensional scale of perceived social support (MSPSS). The results showed that the perceived social support is positively correlated with abstinence. Both in the case of those with no relapses and in the case of the ones having recovered from relapse, the perceived social support was proved to reach higher levels, comparing with the recidivists. The presence of a role model followed by family plays a crucial role. Also, the quality of friendships is the one that can influence the success in alcohol abstinence.


Author Biography

Iános-Mátyás-Tamás Mihók-Géczi, University of Oradea

Address: 1 Universității Street, Oradea, 410087, Bihor County, Romania.


How to Cite
Mihók-Géczi, I.-M.-T. (2018). Alcoolism și suport social perceput. Studiu în România: Alcoholism and Perceived Social Support. Study in Romania. Sociologie Românească, 16(3-4), 55-65. Retrieved from


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