Deficit lingvistic, atitudini nepotrivite şi evaluare distorsionată: testarea a trei explicaţii pentru variaţia interetnică a rezultatelor şcolare ale elevilor de gimnaziu din Oradea Linguistic Deficit, Inappropriate Attitudes and Distorted Assessment: Testing three Explanations for Ethnic Variation in the Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Oradea Section Studies


Adrian Hatos


The article tests three alternative models explaining differences in grades between ethnic minority students and members of the ethnic majority: linguistic deficit, oppositional culture and ethnically biased evaluation which add to the commonly held theories of ability and social reproduction. Separate OLS models of grades, received by 7th graders from a sample of students from the ethnically mixed city of Oradea, in Maths, Romanian language, and learning of native language provided support for all three theses. Thus, besides from being in disadvantage concerning their grades in Romanian language classes, Hungarian students display lower levels of integration in schools – measured through scores of school satisfaction and school engagement, which explains their poorer results in Math whereas they receive positively adjusted grades in Hungarian language classes, enough to compensate for the other disadvantages.


Author Biography

Adrian Hatos, University of Oradea

Address: 1 Universității Street, Oradea, 410087, Bihor County, Romania.



How to Cite
Hatos, A. (2010). Deficit lingvistic, atitudini nepotrivite şi evaluare distorsionată: testarea a trei explicaţii pentru variaţia interetnică a rezultatelor şcolare ale elevilor de gimnaziu din Oradea: Linguistic Deficit, Inappropriate Attitudes and Distorted Assessment: Testing three Explanations for Ethnic Variation in the Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Oradea. Sociologie Românească, 8(4), 78-90. Retrieved from