Sociologie Românească <p>Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology Review) is the official journal of the Romanian Sociological Association. First established in 1936, by the renowned (Romanian) scholar Dimitrie Gusti, the founder of the Sociological School of Bucharest, the Romanian Sociology Review is dedicated to promoting sociological knowledge and inquiry related to a broad-range of social processes. Covering different topics and domains, including social change, social development, social history, social policy, demography, gender studies, political issues, social inequalities, education, organization &amp; labour studies, criminology and migration studies, the review’s focus is oriented towards (but not limited to) empirical research from a sociological and historical approach.<br>Sociologie Românească is published under <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International</a> (CC BY 4.0) license.</p> <p>ISSN 1220-5389<br>E-ISSN 2668-1455</p> Asociația Română de Sociologie en-US Sociologie Românească 1220-5389 Economic Voting or Class Voting? An Analysis of the Factors Driving Incumbent Vote Choice <p>This paper examines the relationship between social class, economic perceptions, and their influence on voting behavior, particularly regarding support for incumbents. Leveraging political science research, it investigates how distinct economic experiences and challenges across social classes shape perceptions of the economy and incumbent policies, influencing electoral choices. The paper seeks to answer three critical questions: the impact of economic perceptions on voting for the incumbent, the interaction between social class and economic perceptions on voting behavior, and how social class moderates this relationship. Utilizing logistic regression models, the research highlights how social class and economic perceptions interact to influence voting decisions, contributing to the discourse on class voting's impact. The findings offer new insights into the dynamics of voting behavior, emphasizing the enduring importance of social class in political decision-making, and enriching our understanding of electoral dynamics in incumbent elections.</p> Andreea Stancea Cecilia Ciocîrlan Rebeca Cojocaru Daniela Gîlca Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-03 2025-02-03 22 2 9 28 10.33788/sr.22.2.1 The Political Economy of the Gifts on Tiktok <p>TikTok is a social platform that has become a significant social phenomenon characterized by its complexity. It is a multifaceted object of study, allowing research on various topics such as security and surveillance, algorithms and addiction, and communication and online interactions. However, the practice of giving on TikTok remains under-researched by social sciences. Therefore, the main objective of this article is to understand the practice of giving to discover how it structures the economy of attention. The data obtained were generated through digital ethnography, which involved several qualitative research methods and techniques: participatory and non-participatory observation and conducting semi-structured interviews. Data analysis revealed that virtual gifts must be understood in their dual manifestation: they are the means by which the virtual self is both subjectified and objectified by the platform. First, they contribute to the construction of the influencers' self because they reflect the appreciation and attention received from users, thus enhancing their social reputation. Secondly, the platform monitors and calculates the gifts obtained by influencers to remunerate them, acting like a real bureaucracy that classifies and ranks users according to their actions. The research results suggest that the virtual gifts should be understood as a manifestation of the economy of attention, through which the work of influencers is rewarded based on the attention and dedication they gain from others. The work of the influencer is based on the monetization of the self, and its transformation into an object of free consumption within an economic system centered on the attention of others, a perishable resource that must be constantly attracted.</p> Cristina-Oana Cristea Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-03 2025-02-03 22 2 29 50 10.33788/sr.22.2.2 Crime in a Changing Society: Evidence from Romania <p>The study examines five sub-periods to analyze the characteristics of criminality in the decades following the fall of communism. It considers literature-identified risks associated with criminal activity (low level of employment, high-income inequalities), and significant changes of various nature during this time (accession to the EU, financial, political, or migrant crisis, the COVID pandemic). By using official statistics on crime and the socio-economic context, the study finds an overall decline in criminality and relative stability in recent years. However, the dynamics vary across different types of crime. Violent crime was on the decline, as was theft after 2000, while drug use and car accidents were on the rise. Other types of crime, such as economic and organized crime, showed inconsistent trends. This shift in criminal behavior highlights the thesis of the continuous transformation of crime and underscores its dependence on context, having relevant implications for social sciences.</p> Simona Ilie Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-03 2025-02-03 22 2 51 81 10.33788/sr.22.2.3 Tolerating Violence against Women: Attitude Evolution and Typology in Romania <p>In this study, we investigate public attitudes toward violence against women, by analyzing the 2022 Violence Against Women (VaW) survey in Romania. The objectives of this research are to study the evolution of attitudes, to explore the typology of tolerance regarding violence against women, and to uncover the social stratification of the typology of tolerance attitudes in this regard. The methodology uses secondary analysis of a nationally representative survey, using both linear and cluster analysis to explore patterns in public tolerance regarding violence against women. We found that violence against women is strongly condemned by a large majority of the Romanian population, albeit with some variability. Men and people with lower formal education, lower household income, and who are more religiously involved were more likely to express weaker condemnation of violence against women. We identified four types of attitudes through cluster analysis, distinguishing people with zero tolerance from a very small cluster with high tolerance for all forms of violence against women. In addition, two types of relative tolerance were identified, namely the cluster of “tolerance for domestic patriarchalism,” which was discursively inclined toward some justification for social violence and for forms of sexual violence, but not for physical violence, and the cluster of “tolerance for domestic violence,” which was inclined toward some justification for verbal, physical, sexual, and social violence located in the household or between men and women who are familiar which each other. This study contributes to the understanding of how social norms and discursive practices influence gender-related attitudes and the legitimization of violence, with implications for policy and public education aimed at reducing tolerance for gender-based violence.</p> Cosima Rughiniș Simona-Nicoleta Vulpe Răzvan Rughiniș Daniel Rosner Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-03 2025-02-03 22 2 82 107 10.33788/sr.22.2.4 Reziliența rețelei școlare în România – dinamica structurilor spațiale ale școlilor primare rurale <p>Recent research into the geography of education frequently addresses the consequences of declining birth rates and demographic ageing in relation to the shrinking rural school network. Although studies often present conflicting views, whether it is pro- or anti-restructuring, the motivations of decision-makers converge around similar dilemmas: a small school is not financially sustainable, although the institution itself in a small village is perceived by the local community as the "heart of the village". However, the steady decline in school population forces decisions to close or merge them with larger ones, and implicitly, the daily commute of pupils to the larger one. The motivation for this analysis follows from an exhaustive rationale based on the scarcity of quantitative micro- and macro-scale research on the resilience of the rural school network to the dynamics of the primary-age population. The objectives of the study are aimed both at the punctual identification of the spatial structures and conjunctural situations regarding the numerical evolution of primary schools in Romania between 2015-2021, as well as the geographical and cartographic analysis of the spaces with indicators at both extremes of school population statistics. On the one hand, the areas affected early by the effects of depopulation have seen the most extensive restructuring of the schools, either by merging the small units or by adopting multi-grade teaching, one the other hand, the suburban areas of large cities have experienced substantial increases in a short period of time in the number of pupils, leading to overcrowding of classes.</p> Victoria Buza Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-03 2025-02-03 22 2 108 132 10.33788/sr.22.2.5 Dezbatere de carte Cătălin Zamfir, România în criză, Editura Academiei Române, București, 2023 <p>The "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University in Iasi, the Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, the Department of Sociology, Social Assistance and Human Resources hosted on 31<sup>st </sup>of October 2024 a book debate on the Cătălin Zamfir volume, <em>Romania in crisis</em>, Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, 2023. This article includes the discussions held on this scientific occasion.</p> Nicu Gavriluță Cristina Gavriluță Ștefan Cojocaru Adrian Netedu Nicoleta Ungureanu Cristina Tofan Sergiu Bortoș Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-04 2025-02-04 22 2 133 150 10.33788/sr.22.2.6 The Conference Fostering Cross-disciplinary Reflections to Bridge Societal Divides (REFLECT), 21st and 23rd of October 2024 <p>Between the 21st and 23rd of October 2024, the Department of Social Work, Journalism, Public Relations, and Sociology (Faculty of Social and Human Sciences) at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu hosted the XIXth edition of the international conference <em>Fostering Cross-disciplinary Reflections to Bridge Societal Divides</em> (REFLECT). The conference focused on recent events driving significant social change, such as armed conflicts in Europe, mass migration, and humanitarian crises affecting refugees. The event also addressed ongoing social crises exacerbated by the already fragile state of societies grappling with the pandemic's aftermath. The event attracted 60 researchers, Ph.D. candidates, and faculty members representing various national and international universities and research institutions.</p> Mădălina Căpraru Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-04 2025-02-04 22 2 151 152 10.33788/sr.22.2.7 In memoriam profesor Ioan Drăgan (22.08.1931-05.12.2024) <p>Professor Ioan Drăgan was the head of the sociology department at the University of Bucharest (1974-1978) and director of the Center for Sociological Research (1974-1990) and then of the Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy (1990-1997). He has taught courses in general sociology and sociology of public opinion at the Sociology Department since the 70s. Together with Ion Aluaș, he edited the monumental anthology of contemporary French sociology (1971) and after 1990 he published numerous works in the field of mass communication.</p> Sorin Mitulescu Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-04 2025-02-04 22 2 153 155 10.33788/sr.22.2.8 În căutarea românului perfect. Specific național, degenerare rasială și selecție socială în România modernă. Iași, Editura Polirom, 2024. Marius Turda <p>Through <em>In Search for the Perfect Romanian. National Specificity, Racial Degeneration and Social Selection in Modern Romania</em> <em>[</em><em>În căutarea românului perfect. Specific național, degenerare rasială și selecție socială în România modernă]</em><em>,</em> Marius Turda proposes a new method to understand and explain the foundations of Romanian nationalism between 1880 and 1950. Structured in six chapters, the book shows that in Romania there was a eugenic and biopolitical culture that was to define Romanian nationalism and scientific racism. Its extreme forms materialized in the measures taken against Jews and Roma during the Holocaust in Romania. I review the book from the perspective of social memory. By questioning some present-day commemorative practices I highlight the present legacies of eugenics: schools named after strategists of racism, such as Sabin Manuilă; public commemorations of anti-Semites such as Liviu Stan or Nicolae Paulescu.</p> Adrian-Nicolae Furtună Copyright (c) 2024 2025-02-04 2025-02-04 22 2 156 162 10.33788/sr.22.2.9