Studiu sociologic privind atitudinea tinerilor non-vegani asupra veganismului A Sociological Study Regarding the Perceptions of Non-Vegans towards Veganism Section Studies
Despite the impressive increase in popularity of the vegan phenomenon in Romania, there is still a significant number of young people who are not interested to follow this alternative lifestyle. What are the reasons that determine this attitude and how are they articulated by the youth? The aim of this study is to provide an answer to the aforementioned question, having as a theoretical basis the theory of cognitive dissonance and the psychological implications of carnism. I analysed the online anti-vegan discourses in order to discover the arguments used by non-vegans; afterwards, I conducted 4 interviews in which I followed the significations and meanings of veganism and meat. The results corroborated with my initial assumption, all my interviwees being aware of the benefits, and even superiority, of veganism, at the same time formulating the reasons of not following such a lifestyle. These findings are relevant as they reflect the manner in which the social and cultural education can shape a specific behaviour and an attitude towards various lifestyles. As a result of a certain upbringing and under the influence of certain convinctions, individuals establish a dichotomy between the 'normal' and the 'abnormal' lifestyles, this structure being psychologically and behaviorally internalised.

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