Evenimentul „10 ani Împreună”, organizat de Asociația Solwodi România la Biblioteca Națională a României, București, 21 noiembrie 2019 The event ``10 Years Together``, organized by the Solwodi Romania Association at the National Library of Romania, Bucharest, November 21, 2019 Section Scientific Activity


Simona Mihaiu
Adina Bălan


The Solwodi Romania Association is part of an non-governmental international network (Solidarity with Women in Distress) aimed at supporting women victims of domestic violence and trafficking in human beings. In 2010 the Solwodi Romania organization celebrated a decade of activity and, on this occasion, hosted the event “10 Years Together”, held on November 21 at the National Library of Romania in Bucharest. The manifestation debuted with a statement, supported by the association`s director, followed by the launch of the book: Domestic violence. Theoretical aspects – signed by the specialists of the Solwodi team. In the second part of the event, a scientific plenary session took place, where the participants had the opportunity to hear and debate topical communications related to domestic violence. At the end of the day, the director of the organization expressed gratitude and confidence in the efforts that Solwodi Romania Association will make, in the future, to support the victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. Approximately 90 participants, beneficiaries of the association's programs, specialists representing child protection services, local authorities, consular services, educational and research institutions, non-governmental organizations and of course, members of civil society, took part in the event.


Author Biographies

Simona Mihaiu, Asociația Solwodi

Address: Calea Șerban Vodă 223, București, România.

E-mail: simonamihaiu@yahoo.com

Adina Bălan, Asociația Solwodi

Address: Calea Șerban Vodă 223, București, România.

E-mail: sradinacj@gmail.com

How to Cite
Mihaiu, S., & Bălan, A. (2019). Evenimentul „10 ani Împreună”, organizat de Asociația Solwodi România la Biblioteca Națională a României, București, 21 noiembrie 2019: The event ``10 Years Together``, organized by the Solwodi Romania Association at the National Library of Romania, Bucharest, November 21, 2019. Sociologie Românească, 17(2), 149-151. https://doi.org/10.33788/sr.17.2.11