„Mituri, falsuri, amnezii. O introducere critică în istoria școlii gustiene” – dezbatere organizată de Institutul de Cercetare al Universității din București, București, 15 noiembrie 2019
On Friday, November 15, 2019, at „Dimitrie Gusti” Council Hall, Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance, the University of Bucharest, was held the debate „Myths, falsehoods, amnesia. A critical introduction to the history of the Gustian school”, organized by the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest at the initative of Zoltán Rostás and Ionuț Butoi. The participants were contributors and collaborators of the Gusti Cooperative team, such as Dumitru Sandu, Theodora-Eliza Văcărescu, Matei Costinescu, Antonio Momoc, Călin Cotoi, Irina Nastasa-Matei, Marian Zulean and others. The debate intended to interrogate both the way in which the image of the Gustian school was built by its members, the way it was reintegrated into the scientific and cultural circuit during the communist period, and how it is discussed today. This paper proposes a summary of the debate, highlighting the main ideas discussed by the participants.
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