Sondajul de opinie și manipularea Public opinion survey and manipulating Section Studies and Research Papers


Claudiu Coman


The data coming from public surveys have always a certain degree of uncertainty. Journalists are always sure in what they say while sociologists were taught to think in terms of probability. That is why it is difficult to find a common perspective, and this incongruity of the codes has unexpected consequences at the public opinion level. One can talk about the influence of surveys provided that their results are taken over in mass media or are presented in the politicians discourses. The influence of surveys is significant only if they become an intricate part of mass media and of the discourse of the choice of the society. The public surveys do not reach the public conscience directly, their significance depending wholly on their insertions in mass media and in the discourse of the choice of the society. Undoubtedly, when the results are against the interests, the public actors try to ignore the public surveys, but, irrespective of their doubt, they use them as sources of identification when necessary. The publication of the public trend in mass media, as it results from the pre-election surveys, brings about an influence impossible to be quantified, but important, because it builds insidiously, at the unconscious level, what we called a guided, programmed opinion climate. The publication of the results influences much less than we could believe, but a much subtler manipulation may occur, which is progressively achieved, which could generate a composition effect very difficult to be detected by a systematic publishing of some favourable evaluations for those interested.


Author Biography

Claudiu Coman, Transilvania University of Brasov

Address: Bd-ul Eroilor, Nr. 29, 500036, Brașov

How to Cite
Coman, C. (2004). Sondajul de opinie și manipularea: Public opinion survey and manipulating. Sociologie Românească, 2(3), 77-89. Retrieved from