PETER SKALNIK (ed), A Post-Communist Millenium. The Struggles for Sociocultural Anthropology în Central and Eastern Europe, Prague Studies in Sociocultural Anthropology 2,Praga, Charles University of Prague and University of Pardubice, Roman Misek -SET-OUT, 2002, 195 p.


Marin Constantin


Author Biography

Marin Constantin, Francisc I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology of the Romanian Academy

Address: 8 Eroii Sanitari Blvd., 050474, District 5, Bucharest, Romania.

How to Cite
Constantin, M. (2005). PETER SKALNIK (ed), A Post-Communist Millenium. The Struggles for Sociocultural Anthropology în Central and Eastern Europe, Prague Studies in Sociocultural Anthropology 2,Praga, Charles University of Prague and University of Pardubice, Roman Misek -SET-OUT, 2002, 195 p. Sociologie Românească, 3(1), 250-253. Retrieved from

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