The Sense of Property, Deprivation and Memory in the Case of Obştea Vrânceană
The system of collective property over forests that we find in Vrancea Region, obştea, has participation as fundamental principle. Each member of the obştea has the right to participate in the village assembly, in the voting process, equal right at the distribution of revenues. In this context, the sense of property that the members of the entitled communities manifest towards their collective forests is an element that becomes important, beyond any other elements like institutional arrangements or economic issues. This article tries to grasp the affective and material elements that form the sense of property on one side, and, on the other side, the sense of deprivation in the case of Obştea Vrânceană. Moreover, it offers theoretical insights for the study of these "hidden transcripts", the less obvious part of property, which is not sufficiently treated in the sociological and anthropological literature.

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