Relația instituțiilor publice cu persoanele șomere: O analiză de gen The Relationship of Public Institutions with the Unemployed: A Gender Analysis Section Studies
This article aims to analyze the relationship between the public institutions responsible for reducing unemployment and the unemployed people, both men and women. The analysis is based on a gender perspective on the involvement of public institutions in this social issue. The purpose of this article is to identify the degree of involvement and collaboration of the public institutions responsible for reducing unemployment with the two identified groups. The division of unemployment by gender is argued by the fact that it has different causes depending on gender, which is why the measures taken to combat it should be adapted to this criterion. The same is true of the relationship between public institutions and those directly affected by this problem. The research methodology used to achieve the proposed goal is a combination of quantitative methods – sociological inquiry based on questionnaire and qualitative – semi-structured interview, both conducted within the two target groups: women and men. Finally, a calculation tool for public institutions, which helps to identify the degree of involvement and collaboration with the unemployed, is proposed, based on the interpretation of the results, as a result of the obtained score, making some specific recommendations. Unemployment affects both men and women, but the response to this problem is different for gender, as well as the subsequent solutions identified and how to relate and collaborate with responsible institutions.

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