Crizele economice și interacțiunea dintre piață și politicile publice Economic Crises and the Interaction between the Market and Public Policies Section Studies


Șerban-Costin Crețu


This article’s main idea is that a coherent attitude must be imposed in the relation between the market and the state, either by allowing the market to fully realize its competitive function by eliminating non-viable actors, or by imposing public policies designed to make the competition between market actors less risky but also less profitable. Based on this idea, it is shown that in the case of mature capitalism, the elimination of the longstanding incoherence between the market and the public policies leads to the elimination of the intermediate causes of crises (as they are listed and analyzed in the literature), but especially to the reduction of moral hazard, of the waste of resources and of the risks of repeating and amplifying economic crises. All this is done by first resorting to a historical treatment (the construction of case studies for several economic crises), then using this historic analysis in a systematic treatment (the construction of a model for the causes of economic crises) and by highlighting alternative scenarios of evolution for each crisis studied, in order to show that when this incoherence in the interaction between the market and public policies does not occur, the causes of the economic crises in question would be transformed, sometimes to the point of extinction, and the economic crisis would either have not occurred or would have had smaller dimensions.


Author Biography

Șerban-Costin Crețu, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration

Address: 30A Expoziției Blvd., District 1, Bucharest, Romania.

How to Cite
Crețu, Șerban-C. (2018). Crizele economice și interacțiunea dintre piață și politicile publice: Economic Crises and the Interaction between the Market and Public Policies. Sociologie Românească, 16(3-4), 39-54. Retrieved from


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