Munca în viața de zi cu zi a copiilor. Studiu calitativ în județul Sălaj Children’s and their Meaning Attached to Work. Study in Salaj County Section Studies


Smaranda Liana Cioban


The study focuses on children’s representations of the engagement into working activities and the meaning attached to work. The aim of this research is to emphasize the importance of conducting research from a child-centered perspective for a better understanding of aspects that concern children. Arguing that children have to right to express themselves, the study describes how Romanian children from a traditional rural community value the work that they do based on their discourse. While the study signals that communities tend to undervalue children’s work, it shows aspects that lead to children’s empowerment, as revealed from interviews conducted with children. The research employed a mixed method of analysis, triangulating the data from 7 interviews realized with children from a small rural community with a pilot survey and former findings in the area. The data was coded and analyzed with QSR NVIVO 11 Program.


Author Biography

Smaranda Liana Cioban, University of Oradea

Address: 1 Universității Street, Oradea, 410087, Bihor County, Romania.


How to Cite
Cioban, S. L. (2018). Munca în viața de zi cu zi a copiilor. Studiu calitativ în județul Sălaj: Children’s and their Meaning Attached to Work. Study in Salaj County. Sociologie Românească, 16(3-4), 87-105. Retrieved from


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