Evoluția sistemului de sănătate și schimbarea demografică în România: 1945-2018 The Evolution of the Healthcare System and the Demographic Change in Romania: 1945-2018 Section The Social Context of Romania: 1945-2018


Mălina Voicu
Alexandra Deliu


This article presents the demographic transition as it took place in Romania, focusing on the communist and contemporary periods. In general, demographic transition is governed by the increase of life expectancy at birth, doubled, in time, by the decrease of natality. These trends occur in the context of modernization, due to access to public utilities, to better healthcare and major improvements in life conditions. In the case of Romania, data seems to suggest that the communist period, albeit the numerous restrictions it imposed on population and its ideological constitution, was the period in which, at least from a demographic standpoint, Romania left its pre-modern condition and entered modernity. Another stake of the article is to problematize the current state of healthcare system, taking into account at least two major factors: population aging (due to demographic transition and mobility of people across borders) and the particular case of brain drain experienced by Romania in the past decades, focusing mainly on the emigration of medical staff. The paper points out that , in order to better address the needs of population, the healthcare system has to be adjusted to the socio-demographic context, paying a special attention to labor force shortage in the healthcare system.


Author Biographies

Mălina Voicu, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 September Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.

Email: malina.voicu@iccv.ro

Alexandra Deliu, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 September Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest.

Email: alexandradeliu@yahoo.com

How to Cite
Voicu, M., & Deliu, A. (2018). Evoluția sistemului de sănătate și schimbarea demografică în România: 1945-2018: The Evolution of the Healthcare System and the Demographic Change in Romania: 1945-2018. Sociologie Românească, 16(1-2), 43-54. Retrieved from https://arsociologie.ro/revistasociologieromaneasca/sr/article/view/2018_1_2_voicu_deliu


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