Consecințe psihosociale ale fenomenului de bullying școlar. Cercetare calitativă în liceele orădene Psychosocial Consequences of the School Bullying Phenomenon. Qualitative Research in Oradean High Schools Section Studies
This study represents an analysis of the bullying phenomenon, seen as a specific adolescence behaviour by most of the experts, with strong influences on pupils’ personality development. For this reason it cannot be ignored or tolerated by the social actors who are involved in the education process. The act of bullying is noted as an aggression subdivision, that seeks to assert power through physical, psychological or social harm, in direct or indirect ways. Physical violence is not a condition for a bullying act to be classified as such. There are also verbal, relational, psychological, social, and relational types of bullying. The roles taken over by the actors in the bulling act are the perpetrator, the victim, the active spectators, the passive spectators and the defending witnesses. This paper will present a qualitative sociological research in the secondary schools in Oradea. It focuses on the characteristics of the main actors involved in bullying (the aggressor and the victim). We will also suggest anti-bullying programs and practices in schools, on the basis of interviews and a focus group with specialists.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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