Participarea adolescenţilor şi bunăstarea lor subiectivă: o comparaţie între Brazilia, Chile, Spania şi România Adolescent’s Participation and their Subjective Well-Being: a Comparison between Brazil, Chile, Spain and Romania Section Studies


Brîndușa Grigoraș
Jaime Alfaro
Jorge Sarriera
David Sirlopu
Ferran Casas
Sergiu Bălțătescu


Adolescents’ participation in all the matters that affect them has great importance for their life and well-being. Just a few studies explore adolescents’ social participation and even less address the link between adolescents’ participation and their subjective well-being (SWB). This article explores adolescents’ perceptions on their participation in family, school, and community and its’ relationship with their SWB measured by four psychometric scales: OLS, SLSS5, BMSLSS and PWI-SC5. Data have been collected within International Survey of Children’s Well-Being-ISCWeB (the fi rst international extended pilot 2011-2012) from four samples of adolescents (M=12,1, SD=0,68): Brazil, Chile, Romania and Spain. Descriptive and exploratory analyzes were performed using independent sample ‘t’ test in order to examine mean scores of the SWB indicators by gender in the four countries and Pearson Chi-Square to test gender differences between the group of adolescents who perceive they are listened by adults and the group with nonparticipation. The relationship between adolescents’ perception on participation in family, school and community, gender and their SWB was explored by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results indicated that greater perceived participation of adolescents aged 12 is signifi cantly associated with higher subjective well-being. Variations between countries in SWB in the way that adolescent’s perceive their participation and also between boys and girls were found. The results are discussed with focus on the implementation of children’s rights and programs which enables adolescents’ participation in the contexts of their life and also on the need to improve policies for children and adolescents.


Author Biographies

Brîndușa Grigoraș, „Babeș-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca

Address: 7-9 Universității Street, 400084, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.


Jaime Alfaro, University of Desarrollo

Address: UDD Santiago, Av. Plaza 700, San Carlos de Apoquindo, Las Condes, Chile.


Jorge Sarriera, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Address: Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2600, room 122, ZIP CODE 90035-003, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,


David Sirlopu, University of Desarrollo

Address: UDD Concepción, Av. Ainavillo 456, Concepción, Chile.


Ferran Casas, University of Girona

Address: Departament de Psicologia. Universitat de Girona. Pl. S. Domènec, 9. 17071- Girona. Spain.


Sergiu Bălțătescu, University of Oradea

Address: 1 Universității Street, Corp V, Oradea, 410087, Bihor, Romania.


How to Cite
Grigoraș, B., Alfaro, J., Sarriera, J., Sirlopu, D., Casas, F., & Bălțătescu, S. (2015). Participarea adolescenţilor şi bunăstarea lor subiectivă: o comparaţie între Brazilia, Chile, Spania şi România: Adolescent’s Participation and their Subjective Well-Being: a Comparison between Brazil, Chile, Spain and Romania. Sociologie Românească, 13(2), 5-27. Retrieved from