„Există viitor! Înfruntă prezentul.” O campanie de comunicare ca instrument de dezvoltare a comunităţilor miniere din România "There Is A Future! Confront The Prezent”. A Communications Campaign as a Development Tool for the Mining Communities of Romania Section Studies
The study presents a public awareness campaign, part of a World Bank financed Project to support the social and economic regeneration of the mining areas, severely affected by the restructuring – practically, disappearance – of the extractive industry in Romania. The paper presents the key theoretical models used for a campaign on a community based project but which has also used dissemination and social marketing techniques. The communication strategy is based on a very extensive quantitative and qualitative research at the level of the mining areas of the country. Key groups (active and passive from an informational point of view) are identified and their attributes and informational needs and key communication vectors are detailed. The objectives of the campaign are to raise awareness on the Project components, the opportunities for the individuals and aims to change the behavior of the passive population to become an active seeker of information regarding available opportunities. The communication strategy presented is supported by a national and local media campaign, blended with the setting up and functioning of a network of over 110 Public Information Points (PIP) located mainly in Mayors’ offices. PIPs provide easily accessible data and guidance on social assistance measures and other information aimed at improving their livelihoods, including job opportunities. The results of the campaign, estimated based on end of project evaluations, appear to have had a positive impact on the population in view of the results of the project and the impact on attitudes regarding civic participation, competition, social capital.

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