Tranziţia: va mai fi sociologia românească la fel? Transition: Romanian sociology will be the same? Section Essays


Cătălin Zamfir


The transition societies find sociology unprepared to explain the global societies. The sociologists, both in the West and those from the transition countries, share a paradigm which distorted their explanative capacity: explanation by project. The transition society is considered to be a project accomplished to a specific extent, or an accomplishment of its imperfection. The project which directed the entire transition took place of theory of the transition society. The analysis relies on a multi-structural paradigm of the complex social systems. The transition society cannot be explained as a degree of accomplishment of the pattern of the successful capitalism, rather as a confrontation/balancing of several structural trends. The project of transition represents a structural trend. In competition with this one, we may also identify another structural trend generated by the social structure of the transition, different from that of the classical capitalist societies. In transition, the political class holds the actual power, in coalition with the new developing capitalists and with the top officials of the public system. The bulk of the profit doesn’t come from the economic activity, rather from exploiting the resources of the state. The profile of the transition state can be explained better in its hypostasis of neo-feudal state.


Author Biography

Cătălin Zamfir, Research Institute for the Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 September Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.



How to Cite
Zamfir, C. (2011). Tranziţia: va mai fi sociologia românească la fel? Transition: Romanian sociology will be the same?. Sociologie Românească, 9(4), 6-17. Retrieved from