Conferinţa Sociologia şi Asistenţa Socială în faţa provocărilor crizei, Bucureşti, 23-24 septembrie 2011 Conference Sociology faced with the challenges of the crisis, Bucharest, September 23-24, 2011 Section Introduction


Raluca Popescu
Monica Şerban


Author Biographies

Raluca Popescu, Research Institute for the Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 September Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.



Monica Şerban, Research Institute for the Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 September Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.


How to Cite
Popescu, R., & Şerban, M. (2011). Conferinţa Sociologia şi Asistenţa Socială în faţa provocărilor crizei, Bucureşti, 23-24 septembrie 2011: Conference Sociology faced with the challenges of the crisis, Bucharest, September 23-24, 2011. Sociologie Românească, 9(4), 3-5. Retrieved from