Cornova ca revelator al satului românesc și al monografiei Cornova as a developer of the Romanian village and the monograph Section Studies


Sanda Golopenția


During the summer of 1931 an interdisciplinary team of 55 researchers led by sociologist Dimitrie Gusti studied the life and problems of the village of Cornova (now part of the Republic of Moldova). The present study discusses the texts and approaches that resulted from the encounter between a member of this team, Anton Golopentia, and Cornova. The texts examined (most of them unpublished) include: an article written on the spot that served as a scenario for the sociological film Cornova (by H.H. Stahl, A. Golopentia and T. Posmantir, 1932); two projects (for a sociological village museum; for assessing the regional circulation of the icons painted and sold in the area); a sociological study of the process of urbanization, allowing a global understanding of the covert dynamics of the village and feeding sociological predictions concerning the evolution of the Romanian villages in general; an essay on the village viewed as a friend, meant to complement the sociological description at an existential level; and a typological approach of rural sociology, for which, in the Romanian case, Cornova represented a typical village, accounting for a larger area of Bassarabia.


Author Biography

Sanda Golopenția, Brown University, French Studies

Address: Box 1961, Providence, RI 02912, U.S.A.


How to Cite
Golopenția, S. (2011). Cornova ca revelator al satului românesc și al monografiei: Cornova as a developer of the Romanian village and the monograph. Sociologie Românească, 9(4), 31-44. Retrieved from