Self-transcendence Values in Hungary and Romania. A preliminary Analysis of Benevolence and Universalism


Laura Nistor
Petru Iluț


The European Social Survey (ESS) uses an adapted and shortened version of the Schwartz’s Value Survey in order to reveal individuals’ value orientations, that is the Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ). The PVQ module of the ESS comprises 21 items, which sketch the portrait of other people in terms of their important goals, wishes and aspirations. Respondents are then asked to compare each portrait to themselves and rate their similarity to the portraits on a 6-point scale (from‘very much like me’ to ‘ not at all like me’).The PVQ module studies ten types of values ,corresponding to the broader value orientations of self-enhancement ,self-transcendence,openness to change and conservation.Our analysis is based on the fourth wave (2008 )of the ESS and deals only with self-transcendence values, that is the valuation of others’well-being. The approachis comparative and preliminary:empiric alanalyses are used to reveal the theoretica lvs .empirical structure of the selftranscendence values in Hungary and Romania to model the profile of individuals for whom the well-being of others is important. Results sugget that while self-transcendence values are the most important values in both countries, Hungarians ares ignificantly more in favor of thes evalues than Romanians. Women and upper level educated respondents are in both countries significantly more in favor of self-transcendence values, but age is not significantly decisive in this regard.


Author Biographies

Laura Nistor, Sapientia University Cluj-Napoca

Social Science Department

Address: Sapientia University Cluj-Napoca, Social Science Department, Piata Libertatii nr. 1, 530104, Miercurea-Ciuc, Romania.

Petru Iluț, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Faculty of Sociology and Social Work

Address: Bd. 21 Decembrie, 1989 nr. 126-130, 400604, Cluj Napoca, Romania.


How to Cite
Nistor, L., & Iluț, P. (2011). Self-transcendence Values in Hungary and Romania. A preliminary Analysis of Benevolence and Universalism. Sociologie Românească, 9(1), 25-46. Retrieved from