Dimensiuni psihosociale în recidiva minorilor delincvenţi Psychosocial Dimensions of Recidivism by Juvenile Offenders Section Studies
From criminological point of view, the recidivism is closely related to its causes, representing one of the fundamental characteristics of the crime phenomenon in the contemporary society. The main objectives of this research are the following: the identification of the significant variables of the recidivism in minors and young people; finding correlations between variables and risk factors as an indicator of the vulnerability to criminal recidivism (gender, age, deviant or delinquent antecedents, and offence's type); the elaboration of a typology of vulnerability, in order to approach the primary delinquency. The findings outlined a criminogen profile, in which being an in-group member, the number of the offences, and motivation are important for structuring a criminal career.

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