Opinia publică despre discriminarea socială (iunie 2008). O analiză secundară Public opinion on social discrimination: Secondary analysis of the Special Eurobarometer 296 (June 2008) Section Articles


Dorel Abraham
Septimiu Chelcea


This study is a secondary analysis of the Special Eurobarometer 296 on the issue of .Discrimination in European Union: Perceptions, Experiences and Attitudes., released in June 2008. We extracted the overall situation data on the European Union, in order to compare them to the data on Romania. Also, we compared the opinion survey on Romania to opinion survey data on Bulgaria and Hungary, neighboring, former communist and EU member states. This study is a secondary analysis of the Special Eurobarometer 296 on the issue of .Discrimination in European Union: Perceptions, Experiences and Attitudes., released in June 2008. We extracted the overall situation data on the European Union, in order to compare them to the data on Romania. Also, we compared the opinion survey on Romania to opinion survey data on Bulgaria and Hungary, neighboring, former communist and EU member states.


Author Biographies

Dorel Abraham, University of Bucharest

Adress: 4-12 Regina Elisabeta Bvld, 030018 Bucharest, Romania.

Email: abraham@curs.ro

Septimiu Chelcea, University of Bucharest

Address: 4-12 Regina Elisabeta Blvd., 030018, District 3, Bucharest, Romania.

Email: schelcea@yahoo.com


How to Cite
Abraham, D., & Chelcea, S. (2009). Opinia publică despre discriminarea socială (iunie 2008). O analiză secundară: Public opinion on social discrimination: Secondary analysis of the Special Eurobarometer 296 (June 2008) . Sociologie Românească, 7(1), 10-23. Retrieved from https://arsociologie.ro/revistasociologieromaneasca/sr/article/view/2009_1_abraham

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