Implicații sociale ale fenomenului migrației internaționale Social Consequences of International Migration Section Social Processes


Mariana Stanciu


The latest studies on international migration underline the controversial character of this phenomenon, especially in the field of social development of the states involved. Starting from identifying the present international migration trends, this study provides a new image on the most important social changes (in demography, society and economy), with special issues regarding the Central and Eastern European countries.


Author Biography

Mariana Stanciu, Research Institute for the Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 September Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.


How to Cite
Stanciu, M. (2006). Implicații sociale ale fenomenului migrației internaționale: Social Consequences of International Migration. Sociologie Românească, 4(4), 109-120. Retrieved from