Direcții strategice ale politicilor de postaderare la Uniunea Europeană ale României Strategic Directions of Romanian Post-Aderation Policies Section Studies
Romania's integration in the European Union, in 2007, asks a fundamental question: To what extent is Romanian economy prepared to face the requirements of competition on a unique European market? The study is trying to answer this question dealing with the main directions of the Romanian strategy, able for a competitive and dynamic integration. The main objectives of the Lisbon 2000 Strategy are presented; starting from 2007 these are also Romania's objectives. They must be taken into account and integrated in the Romanian policies and strategies of the economic and social development. The paper also points out the gap, concerning some fields, between Romania and the countries which adhered to the European Union in 2004 and suggests at the same time some possible ways in order to reduce this gap, as well as to establish some main priorities.
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