Practici pluraliste în relațiile publice din Franța Pluralist Practices in Public Relations in France Section Communication Messages


Ariette Bouzon
Joëlle Devillard
Laurent Morillon


Public relations department of one organization is dedicated to disseminate a unique culture, to develop cooperation and solidarity. Development of information and communication technologies and the diminishing of communication budgets increased the performance required in press relations, in France. The acknowledgement of professional practices for internal and external communication practices is a study issue for researchers. The authors goal is to determine the actual requirements in the evaluation of public relations by the communicator. What kind of behaviors professionals adopt, what media are privileged and what are their influences? The present paper shows results of our own researches on evaluation practices of press attachés.


Author Biographies

Ariette Bouzon, LERASS-MICS

Laboratoire d'études et de recherche appliquées en sciences sociales


Joëlle Devillard, IUT

Laboratoire d'Études et de Recherches Appliquées en Sciences Sociales


Laurent Morillon, Université Toulouse III

Address: Route de Narbonne, 31330, Toulouse, France.


How to Cite
Bouzon, A., Devillard, J., & Morillon, L. (2006). Practici pluraliste în relațiile publice din Franța: Pluralist Practices in Public Relations in France. Sociologie Românească, 4(4), 176-184. Retrieved from