Noile vieți de apoi; imortalitatea socială în contextul tehnologiilor digitale. Editura Tritonic, București, 2020. Ștefania Matei


Laurențiu D. Tănase


Following doctoral studies in sociology, an interesting work has been published on the impact of digital technologies on the commemorative practices of cultural heroes. The book is structured around the analysis of many case studies that help the reader to better understand the new social and cultural contexts of the hereafter. The research author is Dr Ștefania Matei, who carefully analyses the social processes that articulate the posthumous presence and highlights the mutations she observes în practice and the meanings of social immortality due to the influences of digital facilities.


Author Biography

Laurențiu D. Tănase, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

Address: 13 Septembrie Road no. 13, District 5, 050711, Bucharest, Romania.

How to Cite
Tănase, L. D. (2023). Noile vieți de apoi; imortalitatea socială în contextul tehnologiilor digitale. Editura Tritonic, București, 2020. Ștefania Matei. Sociologie Românească, 20(2), 223-225.

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