Infrastructură și societate. Considerente teoretice și studii de caz, Ovidiana Bulumac, Editura Etnologică, București, 2018 „Infrastructure and society. Theoretical considerations and case studies” by PhD Ovidiana Bulumac Section Reviews
Infrastructure and Society is the fruit of more than a decade of systematic research. Pending the field of social security and social logistics, located at the border of cultural anthropology, the work is paving the way in the frontier of sociology of infrastructure. From a theoretical point of view, the quasi-absolute novelty of the work consists in the fact that the source of social solidarity is the infrastructure itself, which, in turn, before being material, is symbolic. Dr. Ovidiana Bulumac easily operates in the theoretical field, constituting interesting syntheses, with great explanatory power, such as the Kennan-Eminescu paradox, or the innovative operation in the space of social logistics with the thesis of the Romanian dimension of existence, of Mircea Vulcănescu, over which he places his theories Ernest Bernea on the symbolic functions of place, in order to arrive at the system of the mechanisms of backwardness that belong to Hirschman through the negative „linkages”, etc. Last but not least, carrying forward the thesis of Dimitrie Gusti’s cultural personality, of Rădulescu Motru’s energetic personalism, the author crystallizes a new theory, that of the role of personality in the community infrastructure, which she illustrates through the brilliant personality of the young Dumitru Brezulescu. Novaci-Gorj, the one who laid the foundations of the strongest public peasant bank, „Gilortul”, at the beginning of the 20th century. Thus, within the paradigm of forms without substance, the author operationalizes a new theory, that of the infrastructure function of the symbol, and a new methodology – that of mental cartography.

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