Politically incorrect, Scenarii pentru o Românie posibilă, Vasile Sebastian Dâncu, Ediția a III-a, Editura Şcoala Ardeleană, Cluj-Napoca, 2017, 378 p. Politically incorrect, Scenarios for an attainable Romania Section Reviews
The author Vasile Sebastian Dâncu captures in his book the archetype of the 21st century Romanian, a lonely individual, alienated and unmotivated to participate in the making of a destiny. The author notes the stage of disjunction in which we find ourselves as Romanians on the road to social anomie, with a starting point with the alienation of the ties between the individual and the community. Main cause of destruction effects of the autochthonous self comes from the identity falsifying in the virtual environment, a global phenomenon that has reached Romania, especially the young generations, spiritually unprepared to face it. The psychoanalytic observations made in the book help the reader become aware of his own reality, of his own world in which he slips into an unconsciously. The exhortation of the author is the neverdying hope and that is in the hands and hearts of all, starting with the readers who are invited to browse and become aware through the pages that even under the darkest painting, Romania will survive. His message is optimistic, showing that it all starts with us and those who believe in the project of a nation tried by suffering, a people whose happiness must return home.

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