Politici sociale de protecție a populației față de riscul victimizării Social policies for protecting the general population against the risk of victimization Section Studies
One important dimension of the quality of individuals’ life is represented by their personal degree of comfort and security regarding any dangers and risks generated by violent acts, aggression and deceits committed against their physical integrity and their assets. Criminality is a serious and dangerous phenomenon because it violates the most important values and social relations that protects the social order, safety, health, people`s belongings and their fundamental rights and freedoms. Also it represents a potential menace for the structure and cohesion of social groups and institutions, generating feelings of insecurity and fear feelings among various population categories. According with the European resolutions the victims should benefit of unrestrained access to justice and receive a fair treatment. The administrative and judicial mechanisms should allow them to obtain some compensations by formal or informal procedures that should be expeditious, fair, inexpensive and accessible. The victims should be treated with compassion and respect their self-dignity. The main goals of the present study are to identify and explain elements of the victimization risk factors in order to try to diminish and prevent them and to evaluate several programs and policies utilised by the social control institutions. In this paper we analyse statistics offered by the Police, Public Prosecutor`s Office, Courts and surveys made by the National Institute of Statistics regarding the risk of victimization, as well as studies conducted by the Research and Crime Prevention Institute. These data are further interpreted in the context of the social harm of criminality and issues regarding victimization.

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