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SAS 2024
Venue: Rucăr, Argeș, Romania


DAY 1 -  7th June 2024

09:00 – 11:00

Registration and welcoming participants

11:00 – 11:30

Welcome coffee and networking

11:30 - 12:00

Opening words

Professor Claudiu COMAN, Transilvania University of Brasov

Professor Emilian DOBRESCU, Full member of A.O.Ș.R.

Professor  Sorin CACE, Research Institute for Quality of Life (Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții)

12:00 - 14:00

Keynote speakers speeches

Chairs: prof.univ.dr. Emilian DOBRESCU, Full member of A.O.Ș.R. (membru titular al A.O.Ș.R.)

    prof.univ.dr. Sorin CACE, Research Institute for Quality of Life (Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții)

12:00 – 12:30

The current crisis and its social implications
Professor Cătălin ZAMFIR
Research Institute for Quality of Life (Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții)

12:30 – 13:00

A look at the crisis of Romanian society in 2024
Professor Emilian DOBRESCU
Full member of A.O.Ș.R.

13:00- 13:15

How elections are won and lost. Electoral strategies used in the campaign for the 2024 local elections
Professor Bruno ȘTEFAN
National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest

13:15 – 13:30

Information Consumption Habits of Students in the Digital Age: A Case Study on Students from the University of Craiova
Professor Adrian OTOVESCU
University of Craiova

13:30 – 14:00

The contribution of sociological thinking to the development of national culture in Romania
Professor Dumitru OTOVESCU
University of Craiova


Coffee break

15:00 17:00

Paper presentations of PhD students
Chair: prof.univ.dr. Codrina CSESZNEK, Transilvania University of Brasov
assist. univ.drd. Vlad BĂTRÂNU, Transilvania University of Brasov

Dilemmas and paradoxes of social resilience in the contemporary conflict society
Igor COJOCARU (University of Craiova)

The School Mediator in Roma Communities: His/Her Role and Impact in the Context of Social Realities in Romania
Florina HARABAGIU (Transilvania University of Brasov)            

Mass media as a key factor of influence regarding eating behavior
Vlad BĂTRÂNU (Transilvania University of Brasov),
Atena ȘOȘOI (University of Craiova)

The perception of society regarding tattooed individuals
Valentina DRAGA  (University of Craiova)

Understanding the rising incidence of autism
Salomeea PANAIT (University of Craiova)


Coffee break

17:15 19:15

Paper presentations of PhD students
Chair: assist. univ.drd., Vlad BĂTRÂNU, Transilvania University of Brasov
PhD candidate, Florina HARABAGIU, Transilvania University of Brasov

The Dynamics of Identities in Kosovo: The Emerging of Islamic Religion as an Identity Marker
Camelia KOJQIQI (University of Craiova)

Aggression as a form of behavior in children with intellectual disabilities
Oana RĂDULESCU (University of Craiova)

Generation Z struggling to explain the definition of the word TikTok
Ionela PÎTEA (POPA-NICA) (University of Craiova)

The influence of mass media on Romanian pensioners
Mihaela ANGHELINA  (University of Craiova)

Housing crises
Cătălin BERESCU (Research Institute for Quality of Life (Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții)


Traditional Romanian dinner


DAY 2 -  8th June 2024

07:00 – 09:00


09:00 - 13:00

Keynote speakers speeches

Chairs: prof.univ.dr. Claudiu COMAN, Transilvania University of Brasov

prof.univ. dr. Dumitru OTOVESCU, University of Craiova

09:00 – 09:30

Quality of life and human action
Professor Elena ZAMFIR
Research Institute for Quality of Life (Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții)

09:30 – 10:00

Current challenges in Romanian education
Professor Ovidiu TODERICI
”Aurel Vlaicu” University from Arad

10:00- 10:30

Methodology for comparative analysis of the Roma population with the situation at national level
Professor Sorin CACE
Research Institute for Quality of Life (Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții)

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 – 11:30

Globalization and the "Crisis" Competence
Professor Silviu COPOSESCU
Transilvania University of Brasov

11:30 – 12:00

Ethnicity in sociological research. Insights and evidence from three Romanian case studies
Professor Codrina CSESZNEK
Transilvania University of Brasov

12:00 – 12:30

Some observations about the third goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Professor Adrian NETEDU
„Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iași

12:30 – 13:00

Living space and couple happiness
Professor Claudiu COMAN
Transilvania University of Brasov

13:00 – 14:00

Coffee break

14:00 16:00

Paper presentations of PhD students
Chairs: prof.univ.dr. Ovidiu TODERICI, Aurel Vlaicu University from Arad
assist.univ.dr. Maria Cristina BULARCA, Transilvania University of Brasov

Educational strategies in dual professional education
Ion NEGRILĂ (University of Craiova)

Applications of Lean methodology in case management in social work
Radu TUDORICĂ (University of Craiova)

The role of online informal communication channels in shaping the interaction between students and universities Students perspective
Maria Cristina BULARCA, Claudiu COMAN, Andreea GUȚĂ (Transilvania University of Brasov)

Romanians in Germany: Perspectives on the future and socio-professional integration
Vasile-Lucian DRINC (West University of Timișoara)

Pecuniary and social alternatives to the prison sentence for corruption crimes
Cristina HOROTAN (West University of Timișoara)

16:00 – 16:30

Coffee break

16: 30 19:00

Paper presentations of PhD students
Chairs: prof.univ.dr.Silviu COPOSESCU, Transilvania University of Brasov
assist.univ.dr. Maria Cristina BULARCA, Transilvania University of Brasov

The visibility of the Craiova community in the online environment
Elena CALOTĂ (University of Craiova)

Effective solutions to stop bullying in schools in Romania
Angelica BANCĂ  (University of Craiova)

The impact of participation in team sports on the development of communication and collaboration skills among young people
Vasile CHASCIAR, Denisa CHASCIAR, Maria Cristina BULARCA (University of Craiova, Transilvania University of Brasov)

Boyars, Roma slaves and dependent Romanian peasants. Mnemonics of a "dead" past and their power today
Adrian Nicolae FURTUNĂ (Research Institute for Quality of Life (Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții)

Economic and Social Disparities: Challenges and Prospects for an Inclusive Society
Iulian ALDEA (Research Institute for Quality of Life (Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții)

Comparative Analysis of Medical Residency Systems in Europe: The Impact of Welfare Regimes on the Migration of Medical Graduates from Romania to Europe  Marilena NICULA (Research Institute for Quality of Life (Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții)

Clinical sociology-a new perspective of intervention and action in situations of social crisis
Cornelia PRIOTEASA  (Research Institute for Quality of Life (Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții)


DAY 3 -  9th June 2024

07:00 – 09:00


09:00 - 12:00

Round table: Developing and Communicating Scientific Research Papers

Chair: prof.univ.dr. Claudiu COMAN, Transilvania University of Brasov


Claudiu COMAN
Professor at Transilvania University of Brasov

Vlad  Bătrânu – Pințea
Assistant professor at Transilvania University of Brasov

Maria Cristina Bularca
Assistant professor at Transilvania University of Brasov

12:00 – 12:30

Coffee break

12:30 – 13:00

Summary of the conference and closing
(conclusions, feedback)


Sociocultural program
(visiting: Dino Park Râșnov, Bran Castle, Râșnov Citadel)


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Suntem onorați să vă anunțăm organizarea SAS 2024, în perioada 07-09 iunie a.c., la Rucăr, jud. Argeș. Lucrările/rezumatele lucrărilor prezentate se vor tipări într-un volum la o editură indexată B+, în luna iunie 2024. Înscrierea participanților cu o lucrare se poate face până la 10 mai 2024. Temele propuse pentru participare trebuie să fie în consonanță cu tema  generală a Școlii Academice de Sociologie și să se înscrie în domeniul științelor  socio-umane. Conferința de deschidere precum și conferințele plenare vor fi  prezentate de către specialiști în domeniu. Lucrările pe secțiuni vor fi coordonate  de către specialiști în domeniu ai Academiei Romane sau ai mediului universitar.

Taxa de participare, care acoperă mapa cu programul, costurile de tehno-redactare și publicare a volumului conferinței, tratațiile din pauze și alte cheltuieli ocazionale este de 150 lei.

Sunt invitați să participe: profesori, doctoranzi, masteranzi, cercetători științifici și alți specialiști interesați de tema conferinței. Pe 10 mai 2024 toți cei înscriși vor primi programul preliminar al conferinței. Informații suplimentare puteți obține la tel. 0735229064 – prof. univ. dr. Sorin Cace, tel. 0728677328 – prof. univ. dr. Claudiu Coman sau/și tel. 0744633483 – prof. univ. dr. Emilian M. Dobrescu.


Anunțul conferinței în format pdf poate fi descărcat de aici. Programul detaliat poate fi găsit aici.

2022 zamfir discurs receptie cover originalBiblioteca Virtuală de Sociologie anunță publicarea online a discursului de recepție „Sociologia și visul României“, susținut de Acad. Cătălin Zamfir, Director al Institutului de Cercetare a Calității Vieții, în cadrul evenimentului din 25.10.2022 organizat de Academia Română. Acesta poate fi descărcat de la această adresă.

1343 slovenia cna bannerSocial Transformations and Sociology: Dispossessions and Empowerment
Nova Gorica, Slovenia, November 21-24, 2022

By invitation only

Sociology thrives in making sense of social transformations. But the wide expanse, rapid pace, and abundant varieties of social transformations today demands the supply of new tools and lenses and from different perspectives from sociologists around the world.  The forthcoming ISA Council of National Associations Conference gathers representatives from its member associations to take stock of current social transformations, the dispossessions, as well as the empowerment that these changes create.

Conference poster
Final program
Travel Kit

Global iterations of power and structure across levels have introduced challenges that our society must confront, from the inequalities of everyday life such as the unequal access to basic needs and the precarity of labor, to the dispossession of autonomy, normalcy and human dignity.

In recent decades, the digital revolution has influenced human interaction, politics, and culture; it has impacted the production, distribution and consumption of knowledge, including sociological knowledge. Despite its promise, it has also introduced new forms of marginalization and isolation, especially in the political process, as it excludes minorities from conversations, among others.  

The conference takes stock of the current turning point the global community is confronted with: Having upended the “normal” in everyday life, the coronavirus pandemic continues to exacerbate the growing polarization of political, economic, and cultural worlds across different societies.

As societies struggle to implement measures in containing the pandemic and other crises sociologists turn to ways in which citizens find themselves empowered as they mobilize resources for the benefit of marginalized, participate in the political process through online and offline platforms, and deepen democracy through engagement in civil society.

Sociology must take up the challenge of making sense of the rapid societal transformations and provide systemic explanations that have practical implications for decision making. The Fifth ISA Council of National Associations Conference invites representatives from national associations to present papers that address the crises of our time and imagine solutions that foster vibrant societies or papers connected in some way to this theme.

catalin zamfrirAcademia Română, Secția de științe economice, juridice și sociologie, anunță evenimentul organizat cu ocazia discursului de recepție „Sociologia și visul României“, susținut de Acad. Cătălin Zamfir, Director al Institutului de Cercetare a Calității Vieții. Răspunsul va fi susținut de Acad. Victor Voicu, Președintele Secției de științe medicale a Academiei Române. Evenimentul se va desfășura în data de 25.10.2022, ora 10:00, în Aula Academiei Române, Calea Victoriei nr. 125, București. Acesta va putea fi urmărit și online pe platforma Zoom, folosind acest link și datele de conectare Meeting ID 895 4923 9717, parolă 850265.
