Social exclusion in old age remains a significant health and social problem in Europe. Rising longevity, demographic ageing, accelerated digitalization processes, and active ageing policies are continuously shaping the dynamics of old age social exclusion. New intersectional inequalities emerge as the existing micro-, meso- and macro-social realities come into play. Research into the issue grew significantly over the past years, contributing to a better understanding of old age exclusion through data gathering, novel theoretical approaches, and combining support from various disciplines. Moreover, diminishing social exclusion remains a chief concern of policy, while incorporating ageing issues across policy making from the local to the European level is increasingly promoted.
The current conference is organized by the project members of the AMASE project, A multidimensional approach of social exclusion in later life-health consequences for ageing populations, funded through the Norway Grants 2014–2021. The conference is supported by the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest, NOVA – Oslo Metropolitan University, National Research Institute for Labour & Social Protection and the Research Institute for Quality of Life – Romanian Academy. We invite presentations concentrating on explanatory factors of social exclusion in old age, consequences of the phenomenon, and analyses of existing policies. Single country studies, comparative analyses across various societies, as well as cross-sectional and longitudinal approaches are all welcome.
Programme – provisional
10.00–12.00 Plenary meeting part I – organized by the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest and NOVA – Oslo Metropolitan University
10.00 Welcome on behalf of the AMASE project
10.05 Short word by Representative of the Ministry of Labour – TBC
10.15 Keynote speech followed by discussion – Professor Thomas Scharf, Newcastle University – TBC
11.00 Presentation of research results – TBC
12.00 Lunch break
13.00–15.00 Plenary meeting part II – organized by the Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy
13.00 Welcome word - Professor Cătălin Zamfir, director of the Research Institute for Quality of Life
13.15 Keynote speech followed by discussion – TBC
14.00 Presentation of research results – Dr Mălina Voicu, Research Institute for Quality of Life
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 – 17. 00 Sessions (parallel)
Session 1 – AMASE project
Session 2 – GENPATH project
Session 3 – Research Institute for Quality of Life
Session 4 – Research Institute for Quality of Life
Session 5 – National Research Institute for Labour & Social Protection
17.00 Consortium meeting – closed
19.00 Dinner
You can send an abstract of the presentation until June 14, 2021 to the e-mail addresses This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..