CfP Sociologie Românească Special Issue: "Romanian workers, home and abroad: inequalities, social rights and labor struggles"

logo srCall for papers Sociologie Românească Special Issue

Title: “Romanian workers, home and abroad: inequalities, social rights and labor struggles”

Planned Date of Publication: First half of 2023

Keywords: fair mobility; freedom of movement; inequalities; labor relations; migration infrastructure; care work


Cătălin Buzoianu, Institute for East European Studies, Free University of Berlin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Christian Sperneac-Wolfer, Institute for Social Research, Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sebastian Țoc, National University of Political Science and Public Administration, and Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Since 1989 Romania has experienced one of the largest emigration processes worldwide, with an estimated 3 million citizens leaving the country (Anghel et al. 2017, 35). The Enlargement process of the European Union with its freedom of movement has gradually expanded the possibilities of finding work abroad in Europe for Romanians.  However, many recent studies have shown the challenges faced by Romanian workers abroad: insecure and exploitative work relations (Hopfgartner et al. 2022; Cosma et al. 2020), difficult access to healthcare and social protection (Ratzmann 2022; Scheibelhofer 2022a; Blauberger and Schmidt 2014), institutionalized racism and racializing media discourses (Fox et al. 2012), criminalization and deportation practices (Vrăbiescu 2019) etc. Theoretically, scholars have focused on the regime of social rights for mobile EU citizens in destination countries (Scheibelhofer 2022b; Schmidt et al. 2018; Bruzelius et al. 2017), the transnational migration infrastructure enabling mobility (Voivozeanu 2021) as well as the role of knowledge asymmetries in administrative procedures for social entitlements (Ratzmann and Heindlmaier 2022).

Building on the “transnational turn” in critical migration studies (Yeates 2012; Anghel 2008; Levitt and Schiller 2004) as well as previous work on Romanian migrants (Culic and Anghel 2012) our planned special issue of Sociologie Românească takes a look at the experiences of Romanian workers abroad as well as the impact this migration has on their origin country. We welcome empirical contributions as well as theoretical contributions.

Concretely, we are interested in the experiences and possibilites of action of Romanian workers in the context of multiple dimensions of inequality (ethnicity, institutional discrimination, class, gender, skills, education), infrastructures and technologies dealing with the consequences of migration by multiple stakeholders (receiving urban/rural spaces, local bureaucracies, enterprises etc.), different labor and social legislations at national and european level as well as the possibilities of action of migrants in labor conflicts (trade union organization, individual patterns of resistance etc.). For example, potential articles may focus on topics such as the question of “fair mobility” in the European Union (Barslund and Busse 2016), the experience of women care workers abroad (Țoc and Guțu 2021), the strategies of mobile workers in destination countries (Voivozeanu 2020) or the more broad consequences of migration on the origin society (Sandu 2010; Horváth and Anghel 2009).

Furthermore we invite potential authors to submit theoretical articles on the salience of concepts such as “precarity”, “marginalization”, “brain-drain/brain-gain”, “welfare migration” etc. with respect to Romanian migrants. Theoretically-focused contributions on social relations of power and domination that shape the process of integration into labor markets and work processes are also welcome.

Submission process: potential contributors are invited to submit abstracts in English (200 - 250 words) and 4-6 keywords by using the following online form on the journal website:

Abstracts should contain a succinct and precise specification regarding the motivation of the study, research questions, methods used, results and their implications. If accepted, the authors will be invited to submit a first draft of full-length articles based on the abstracts. The articles are expected to be submitted in English and should not exceed 25 pages, with Times New Roman 12 p., double spaced, and page size: A4. Notes, if any, should appear at the end of the article. For more submission details, please consult the official webpage at

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31st of July 2022

Deadline for submission of first draft of articles: 15th of December 2022

Cited references:

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Anghel, Remus Gabriel. 2008. „Changing Statuses: Freedom of Movement, Locality and Transnationality of Irregular Romanian Migrants in Milan“. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 34 (5): 787–802.

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