AnaLize - Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies is pleased to announce the launch of a call for papers for a special issue on Care work at home and abroad. Demographic changes, technological development and the transformation of social policies addressing the new societal challenges are among the factors that are re-shaping care work in the past decades around the globe. Population ageing and international migration led to a significant transformation of population structure, the growth of life expectancy conducing to an extended number of seniors in need of long term care, while international migration supplied labour force involved in care work in affluent societies and dried it out from home societies of immigrants.
Technological development contributed to the extension of healthy and independent life of seniors and eased the care work by providing medical treatment, appliances and equipment that reduced considerably the amount of work required by long term care. On the other hand, part of the care work performed mainly by women, such as emotional work or looking after children's education is not so much re-shaped by new technologies. The new developments of social policies generated by the increasing in women employment, the transformation of the traditional family pattern and marketization of care work changed family's contribution, as well as the roles inside family in care provision.
Post-communist societies, Romania among them, are particularly affected by these trends, due to the intersection of demographic change and the reconfiguration of social policies during the past three decades. The growth of life expectancy, low fertility rate and massive external migration put significant pressure on care providers, while the restructuring of welfare system after 1990 led to the reduction of state involvement in provision of care.
The current issue focuses on the countries in Central and Eastern Europe, aiming to answer to several research questions such as: to what extent the raising need for care provision put extra-burden on women shoulders in post-communist societies? How does migration for working in care services contribute to the re-shaping of gender roles inside families? Who takes over the care work when women are abroad? Does the gender balance in care work change when there is more to do? What is thesize of "nanny phenomenon" in the region and what is the impact of women's migration for work in care services on their own families?
This special issue of Analize welcomes both theoretical and empirical contributions tackling the connection between demographic change, transformation of care work and gender roles in post-communist societies.
Issuecoordinators:Mălina Voicu (Research Institute for the Quality of Life, Romanian Academy) and Delia Bădoi.
Analize - Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies is an on-line, open access, peer-reviewed international journal that aims to bring into the public arena new ideas and findings in the field of gender and feminist studies and to contribute to the gendering of the social, economic, cultural and political discourses and practices about today's local, national, regional and international realities Analize is listed in EBSCO, ERIH, Worldcat, Open Academic Journals Index, GIF - Global Impact Factor.
Deadline for submission: 1 November 2019.
Please address any queries regarding the Call for Papers to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).