CfP: Journal of Community Positive Practices, Issue 2/2021

logo jppc enCall for Papers: Journal of Community Positive Practices (JCPP), Vol. XXI (2) - Issue 2/2021:

Community Policy Analysis within the COVID-19 Pandemic Context

Faced with the magnitude of an unprecedented epidemiological crisis such as the one generated by the propagation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, public administrations at various levels (national, regional, local etc.) have adopted different policies to try and prevent the virus from spreading, while taking care of the residents’ health. However, the social impact of such measures on the communities has not yet been properly studied, which leaves an open question mark on the effectiveness of the measures. In 2020, ‘lockdown’, ‘quarantine’, or ‘immunization’ have become keywords in public administration decisions. Nevertheless, these factors have been designed and applied differently across regions. One year after the start of the COVID-19 public health crisis, can some of these measures be identified as ‘best practices’ in order to be replicated in less fortunate communities as well? Do the policies maintain their validity even if applied to different social communities? Where and how do differences in public policy adoption appear between communities? How do these inter-communitarian differences manifest and what is their social impact? Many governmental decisions did not do anything else than to copy measures already taken in other parts of the world. Is this policy transposition effective or would it be more appropriate to take into account the specifics of local communities? How are local or residential communities impacted by the governmental policies and how do they respond to them?

This issue of the Journal of Community Positive Practices calls for (comparative) analyses or theoretical explorations (but not limited to) on how public ‘lockdown’, ‘quarantine’, or ‘immunization’ policies have impacted upon social communities and how these have influenced the everyday life of local communities and the social relationships within. The research should focus on social sciences, especially on sociology. However, manuscripts from other social specializations such as economics, anthropology etc. are welcomed, as long as they maintain a social dimension. Some of the topics that researchers might focus on are:

  • The community policies, practices and measures taken to navigate through the period of Covid-19 and to control the spread of the epidemic;
  • Community policies for recovering from the Covid-19 crisis;
  • Public, personal or mediatic communication about Covid-19 policies within communities: In many countries, communications around Covid-19 have transformed to dramatization or sensationalism. Media outlets are full of Covid-19 news, a topic which also characterizes daily, personal communications in communities. This thematic might explore how governments manage the communications related to the Covid-19 public policies and how these are understood by the audience. Does the audience accept or reject the communications? What is the impact upon public policy adhesion?;
  • The consequences of Covid-19 public policies on communities. How are families, neighbourhoods, or other formal and informal social groups impacted?


  • Full paper submission: April 1st, 2021
  • Feedback, review and submission of revised manuscripts: April-May 2021
  • Publish date: June 2021, Issue 2/2021

Submission Guidelines: Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read the submission guidelines of the Journal of Community Positive Practices (JCPP), available at:

Language of manuscripts: all manuscripts have to be written in English.

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