The 33rd CIRIEC Congress, Thessaloniki, 2020

ciriec 2020The 33rd CIRIEC Congress „Publicly owned enterprises and social economy: which strategies in economic, social and environmental transitional processes?” will be held in Thessaloniki (Greece), 4-6 June 2020.

Scope and topics of interest

The profound and rapid transformations in the way we consume, work, produce or cohabit are running up against the limits of our current economic and social models. The adaptations and shifts to undertake are even more important and necessary due to the various transitions (digital, environmental, economic, societal, etc.) underway. Many challenges, such as increasing inequality or weakening political and economic democracy, must be addressed, preferably collectively. On the horizon are indeed new world orders with very different visions and consequences depending on the orientations chosen and the responses provided.

Socio-economic models should gear towards the general interest and meeting the needs of individuals and communities, whether in the public sphere or in the social and solidarity economy. Such models must constitute pillars for new socially responsible economic development, and provide satisfactory and sustainable responses to these global challenges.

The issues discussed at the 33rd CIRIEC International Congress in Thessaloniki will focus on the strategies of public and social economy enterprises in terms of:

  1. Digital networks as tools in the transition
  2. Public sovereignty to be organised/maintained in data protection
  3. Fiscal capacity and digital taxation methods
  4. Cross-sectoral integration of network companies
  5. Local development co-constructed with social economy and public actors
  6. Impact measurement and contribution to sustainable development
  7. Better governance, societal performance and transparency of public enterprises
  8. Territorial dynamics to be recreated or reinvented
  9. Co-production of public goods and commons
  10. New modes of dialogue and interaction between actors (place and role of citizen action and collective action)
  11. Partnerships to build the future

Key Dates
Deadline for abstracts: 08 January 2020
Notification of selected abstracts: 30 January 2020
Early Bird / preferential registration to the CIRIEC Congress: 28 February 2020
Final Deadline for Papers’ submission: 18 May 2020

Instructions for papers & abstracts

  • Abstracts solely in english
  • Languages for papers: FR-EN-DE-ES
  • Max. length: abstract (1-2 pages) – papers (10-20 pages).
  • Key words and references.

Accepted papers of registered participants will be published – in their long version only – on CIRIEC’s website and may be presented in various written forms during the congress.

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