Rezumate Sociologie Românescă

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 1-2/2017, pp. 183-186.

SR 1 2 2017 coperta

Sorin M. Rădulescu, Amintiri din Cotroceni ale unui fiu de „burghezo-moşier”, Editura Vremea, Bucureşti, 2017, 415 p.

Sorin M. Rădulescu, Memories from Cotroceni, Written by the Son of a “Bourgeois Landlord”, Vremea Publishing House, Bucharest, 2017, 415 p.

Irina Stahl

Institutul de Sociologie, Academia Română.

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  1. Irina Stahl. Sorin M. Rădulescu, Amintiri din Cotroceni ale unui fiu de „burghezo-moşier”, Editura Vremea, Bucureşti, 2017, 415 p.. Sociologie Românească XV(1-2):183-186, 2017. BibTeX

    	author = "Stahl, Irina",
    	title = "Sorin M. Rădulescu, Amintiri din Cotroceni ale unui fiu de „burghezo-moşier”, Editura Vremea, Bucureşti, 2017, 415 p.",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XV",
    	number = "1-2",
    	pages = "183-186",
    	year = 2017

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 1-2/2017, pp. 187-193.

SR 1 2 2017 coperta

Prezentul care nu trece. Comentarii la volumul: Emanuel Copilaş, Marele jaf postcomunist. Spectacolul mărfii şi revanşa capitalismului, Editura Adenium, Iaşi, 2017, 320 p.

The Past that Refuses to Pass. Comments on the Book by Emanuel Copilaş (ed.), The Great Post-communist Heist. The Commodity Show and the Comeback of Capitalism, Adenium Publishing House, Iaşi, 2017, 320 p.

Dan Neumann

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  1. Dan Neumann. Prezentul care nu trece. Comentarii la volumul: Emanuel Copilaş, Marele jaf postcomunist. Spectacolul mărfii şi revanşa capitalismului, Editura Adenium, Iaşi, 2017, 320 p.. Sociologie Românească XV(1-2):187-193, 2017. BibTeX

    	author = "Neumann, Dan",
    	title = "Prezentul care nu trece. Comentarii la volumul: Emanuel Copilaş, Marele jaf postcomunist. Spectacolul mărfii şi revanşa capitalismului, Editura Adenium, Iaşi, 2017, 320 p.",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XV",
    	number = "1-2",
    	pages = "187-193",
    	year = 2017

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 1-2/2017, pp. 199-200.

SR 1 2 2017 coperta

Claudia Bacter, Dizabilitatea neuro-motorie la copil. Modalități de intervenție, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2017, 144 p.

Claudia Bacter, Neurological Physical Impairment in Child. Ways of Medical Interventions, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2017, 144 p.

Cristiana Marc

Universitatea din Oradea

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  1. Cristiana Marc. Claudia Bacter, Dizabilitatea neuro-motorie la copil. Modalități de intervenție, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2017, 144 p.. Sociologie Românească XV(1-2):199-200, 2017. BibTeX

    	author = "Marc, Cristiana",
    	title = "Claudia Bacter, Dizabilitatea neuro-motorie la copil. Modalități de intervenție, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2017, 144 p.",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XV",
    	number = "1-2",
    	pages = "199-200",
    	year = 2017

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 1-2/2017, pp. 195-198.

SR 1 2 2017 coperta

Müller, J. W., What is populism?, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2016, 136 p.

Botond-Zsolt Bottyan

Universitatea din Oradea

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  1. Botond-Zsolt Bottyan. Müller, J. W., What is populism?, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2016, 136 p.. Sociologie Românească XV(1-2):195-198, 2017. BibTeX

    	author = "Bottyan, Botond-Zsolt",
    	title = "Müller, J. W., What is populism?, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2016, 136 p.",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XV",
    	number = "1-2",
    	pages = "195-198",
    	year = 2017

Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), Vol. XIV, no. 4/2016, pp. 11-28.

SR 4 2016 cover

Către o abordare sociologică a bunăstării subiective

Towards a Sociological Approach to Subjective Well-being

Sergiu Bălţătescu

Universitatea din Oradea, Str. Universității nr. 1, corp. V, Oradea, Romania.

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  1. Sergiu Bălţătescu. Către o abordare sociologică a bunăstării subiective. Sociologie Românească XIV(4):11-28, 2016. BibTeX

    	author = "Bălţătescu, Sergiu",
    	title = "Către o abordare sociologică a bunăstării subiective",
    	journal = "Sociologie Românească",
    	volume = "XIV",
    	number = 4,
    	pages = "11-28",
    	abstract = "This paper is a synthesis of my previous point of views (written since 1999) and linked with the articulation of a sociological theory of subjective well-being. This theory should be capable of reconciling individual phenomenon of perception of subjective well-being with the complex processes of social happiness. I began by arguing, in line recent scholars (Bartram, 2012; Thin, 2014; Zevnik, 2014; McKenzie, 2016), that happiness is a socio-cultural construct. A short review of historical ideas of happiness sets the terms of the debate about the relationship between society and subjective well-being, a debate that emerged just a few years ago in the field of sociology (see the issue of Sociological research online edited by Cieslik and Bartram (2014)). Ideas of good life are a product of ideologies and social practices. For example theories of quality of life are implicit to a given society and influence the way a person evaluate his/her life (see the conceptual referent theory by Rojas, 2007). However, a full sociological theory of subjective well-being should not limit to the cognitive dimension. Based on previous research in sociology of emotions, I explore the possibility that even the development of the emotion linked with happiness is the product of society. Using concepts of “feeling rules” (Hochschild, 2012) and “public mood” (Rahn, Kroeger and Kite, 1996), I propose a model of the way society influences not only our standards of good life, but shapes the emotion of happiness itself, which becomes normative to a society.",
    	keywords = "subjective well-being; social construction; social norms; public mood",
    	year = 2016

Abstract: This paper is a synthesis of my previous point of views (written since 1999) and linked with the articulation of a sociological theory of subjective well-being. This theory should be capable of reconciling individual phenomenon of perception of subjective well-being with the complex processes of social happiness. I began by arguing, in line recent scholars (Bartram, 2012; Thin, 2014; Zevnik, 2014; McKenzie, 2016), that happiness is a socio-cultural construct. A short review of historical ideas of happiness sets the terms of the debate about the relationship between society and subjective well-being, a debate that emerged just a few years ago in the field of sociology (see the issue of Sociological research online edited by Cieslik and Bartram (2014)). Ideas of good life are a product of ideologies and social practices. For example theories of quality of life are implicit to a given society and influence the way a person evaluate his/her life (see the conceptual referent theory by Rojas, 2007). However, a full sociological theory of subjective well-being should not limit to the cognitive dimension. Based on previous research in sociology of emotions, I explore the possibility that even the development of the emotion linked with happiness is the product of society. Using concepts of “feeling rules” (Hochschild, 2012) and “public mood” (Rahn, Kroeger and Kite, 1996), I propose a model of the way society influences not only our standards of good life, but shapes the emotion of happiness itself, which becomes normative to a society.

Keywords: subjective well-being; social construction; social norms; public mood.

Cuvinte-cheie: bunăstare subiectivă; construcție socială; norme sociale; stare de spirit publică.