Sumar Sociologie Românească 4/2012

Revista Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology), vol. X, nr. 4/2012

ISSN 1220 - 5389


SR 4-2012 coperta




Sergiu Bălţătescu
European Sociology Today (International Conference: European Sociology: New Challenges and Oportunities, Oradea, 27-29 September 2012) / 5-7.



Roberto Cipriani
European Sociology Today (European Sociology Today) / 8-13.

Cătălin Zamfir
Un alt mod de a interpreta datele de evaluare (A Different Way to Interpret Evaluation Data) / 14-26.

Corina Dumitrescu
Dimitrie Cantemir – Forerunner of European Sociology (Dimitrie Cantemir – Forerunner of European Sociology) / 27-35.

Floare Chipea; Raluca Miclea (Buhaş)
Familia de origine – predictor al modelului familial adoptat de studenţi. Studiu comparativ – zona transfrontalieră Bihor–Hajdu-Bihar (Family of Origin – a Predictive Factor of the Family Model Embraced by Students. Comparative Study in Bihor–Hajdu-Bihar Euro-Region) / 36-60.

Sebastian Năstuţă
The Impact of Internet on New Religious Movements’ Discourse (The Impact of Internet on New Religious Movements’ Discourse) / 61-74.

Laura Nistor
The New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) in Romania. Some Empirical Findings (The New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) in Romania. Some Empirical Findings) / 75-98.

Jozef Mládek; Marcela Káčerová; Jana Ondačková
Population Ageing Processes, Case Study (on) Czech and Slovak Republics (Population Ageing Processes. Case Study (on) Czech and Slovak Republics) / 99-113.

Raluca Crişan
Tipul familiei, calitatea relaţiei părinte–copil şi efectele asupra stimei de sine, fumatului, consumului de alcool şi adaptării şcolare. Studiu asupra elevilor din judeţul Cluj (Family Type, the Parent–Child Relationship and the Effects on Self Esteem, Smoking, Alcohol Consumption and School Adjustment. Study in the Cluj County) / 114-128.



Septimiu Chelcea
In memoriam: Adrian Neculau (30 august 1938-20 decembrie 2012) (In memoriam: Adrian Neculau (30 August 1938-20 December 2012)) / 129-132.



Ionuţ-Marian Anghel
Loïc Wacquant, Punishing the Poor. The Neoliberal Government of Social Insecurity, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2009, 384 p. (Loïc Wacquant, Punishing the Poor. The Neoliberal Government of Social Insecurity, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2009, 384 p.) / 133-136.

Maria-Mădălina Cârstea
Sociologii alternative. Noua şcoală rusă şi evoluţiile sociale alternative. Kradin, N., Korotayev, A. şi Bondarenko, D. (ed.), Alternatives of Social Evolution, ediţia a II-a, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2011, 492 p. (Alternative Sociologies. The New Russian School and the Alternatives of Social Evolution. Kradin, N., Korotayev, A. şi Bondarenko, D. (ed.), Alternatives of Social Evolution, ediţia a II-a, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2011, 492 p.) / 137-138.